A place to stay
The Condamine Hotel offers all round great value for your next visit
to Condamine with cabin style accommodation right next to the pub.
To book a cabin, give us a call on 07 4627 7219.

Now that you're here...
Of course, top of the list for 'things to do' is stop in for lunch or dinner at The Condamine Hotel or just enjoy some chat at the bar.
If you're visiting during rugby season, we recommended you get to the Fish Tank, Condamine's rugby home ground, and cheer on our beloved Cods. More on the Condamine Cods here.
If boating, fishing and camping is more your style you won't be disappointed. Only seven kilometres south of Condamine you'll find Caliguel Lagoon - the perfect place to enjoy waterskiing, boating, swimming, fishing and bird watching. Caliguel Lagoon offers a peaceful setting for overnight camping and for visitors to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the lagoon and surrounding area.
Learn more about Condamine and our surrounding towns here in the Western Downs.